Thursday, June 11, 2009

Chad's Car Was Broken Into!

How can people be so 1) desperate and 2) inconsiderate? Seriously...

To Who Broke Into Chad's Car:

Why did you think it necessary to shatter Chad's poor little back window in order to steal the Tom Tom (we like to call it a Chad Chad) I got him? Did you not realize it is so important for him to be able to find his jobs all over Orange County? Maybe you didn't realize he was sick today and that really the last thing he needed to find was his car having been broken into. Would you have still broken the window if you knew that the car isn't even his but that we are borrowing it from his dad. Probably. Now, we have to go to the store later tonight and pay for a whole new GPS because he seriously needs it all-day everyday. Want to know whats funny? I got that GPS on clearance for $29! All that trouble for under $30 bucks! The part I'm most frustrated over is that its pretty impossible to find a deal like that again so I get to go fork out full price for a new GPS now. And I get to file a police report so we can open an insurance claim and then spend the time to go and actually get the window fixed. Were you really that desperate for a GPS?

I do have to thank you for one thing, however. Thanks for only stealing the $29 GPS. Thanks for leaving his brand new satellite radio that he just got last week for his birthday. Thanks for leaving his ladder and all of his work equipment. Thanks for not grabbing his blue tooth. We really appreciate you only taking the GPS, considering the situation.

And I have to compliment you on your bravery. It takes a lot of guts to break a window and steal from a car in broad daylight in a gated apartment complex. I'm sure you are very good at your job of breaking in and stealing other's things.

Sincerely yours,
Your New GPS's Original Owner

Chad's Poor Little Broken Window


Kasey Strong said...

That is so sad! I'm sorry that happened and I hope that you guys didn't have to pay too much for a new one.

April said...

that's no fun for sure! I'm sorry that happened!

Nick and Carol said...

my goodness gracious. i agree with about mean and desperate! i'm sorry that happened to you guys:( perks of livin in cali i suppose?lol jk. so did you ever put that rainbow on your license plate?? if you didn't, maybe a gay man broke in and took it b/c you're from utah. anyways, yes that is not fun to experience. and i'm very sorry i haven't updated my blog in over a month...i will try to be better. but also, i don't really have any new pictures! our life has been pretty uneventful. we work, i go to school, we come home, maybe watch an episode of smallville, and go to bed. nick leaves b4 i get up, and doesn't get home recently till 9:30 or 10:30pm. its very sad.but next week we're takin off to powell!! i'll be sure and take pictures and make a fun blog about it:)

April said...

well she called me a few days ago asking me if i would run 5k in ragnar for her, and she told me she's been sick and then tells me she's pregnant...she just barely told kathy that she was pregnant today. so yeah..