Monday, June 15, 2009

Perfect Sunday

Chad's work schedule this summer is so up and down that I never know when or for how long he will be home. Except, that is, on Sundays when he has the whole day off. We slept in, went to sacrament meeting, came home, did some laundry, made and ate yummy mexican casserole, played some Rummikub, then a little Skip-bo, made some chocolate-chip cookies, played some Yahtzee (I won almost everything we played all day, not how it usually works out since Chad is such a smart player), watched a few reruns of I'm a Celebrity! Get Me Out of Here, then settled down to watched Big, and then went to sleep.

All Chad wanted was to hang out and not really do anything since the Sunday before we went to Magic Mountain, week before that we had family in town, week before that had a little bbq with friends after church, week before that probably went for a walk on the beach... you get it. Just not a lot of days just hanging out at the house doing nothing, like yesterday. It was a perfect Sunday.

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