Wednesday, June 10, 2009

my new fav...

I know there are about a million cute and trendy little frozen yogurt places these days and all are yummy and fun but I have found my absolute favorite. Yogurtland. We just kind of happened upon it by seeing it on the way home from Costco one day and Carly suggesting we try it. Thank goodness she did because it is so so so cute and yummy yummy yummy. A few days after our first try I took Chad and he loved it as well. Yesterday we had a girls only Costco/Target/Henry's Farmers Market/Wal-mart run and stopped by for my third Yogurtland experience. I was still just as impressed as the first time. They have like 15 flavors of self-serve frozen yogurt at a time. You start out getting a bowl (your choice of huge or huger) and then you pick your flavors, as many and as much as you choose because you do it all yourself (my faves so far are resh strawberry, toasted coconut and raspberries and cream but they also have yummy flavors like double cookies and cream, new york cheesecake and dutch chocolate just to name a few)! Then they have a self-serve topping bar with tons of fresh fruit and yummy candy and cookie bits plus a few different colors of sprinkles to choose from. How to pay? Thats ever cool to me! Its all 30 cents an ounce. Not too shabby! It works out to be between $3.00-$4.00 if you fill up the huge size cup. Tons of yumminess so it is way worth it! They even finish it off with a super cute eco friendly pink or lime green spoon. Check out the website ( to see if they have a location near you! If not, come visit me and I'll be happy to take you :)

1 comment:

emilysuze said...

Sounds like a fun place to go to! Wish we had something like that here.