Tuesday, September 8, 2009

23 Candles...

This weekend I had an AWESOME birthday. I didn't take many pictures so sorry for the random few I do have. Also, I realized I don't have any of Heidi, Spencer or the boys who came for a visit since it was a long weekend for Labor day! Here is what I do have for show and tell:

Chad got me some really awesome birthday gifts that I've been wanting including: Stila mascara, Harry Potter book #7 that I still haven't read, Edward Scissorhands and a new cutting mat for my rotary cutter! Its everything I've been wanting to buy so thanks to my Hubby Buns for being so awesome to me :)
(be kind to me, I just woke up here and we are about to get ready to go to the park)

We got to go to Disney's California Adventure because 1) I'm a Disney freak, 2) I got in free on my birthday, and 3) Heidi, Spencer and the boys wanted to go to Disneyland and California Adventure during their visit!

This is Chad and I letting the nice photographer cast member take a picture of us to we don't only have pictures where we take it ourself like a facebook picture :)
P.S. We rode that Ferris Wheel in the picture, and it is the most intense ride in the parks I swear! You get in the basket thing and don't even buckle in. Once it goes, every basket is on an individual track which, as you go up and down, cause you to fall and then rock super crazy. I seriously felt more nauseous on that ride than anything else that day!

Chad made me yummy oreo ice cream cake like Kasey makes for me! Rumor has it I get another one once we get back to Utah and I can't wait because it is the yummiest stuff!!!

Blowing out my 23 candles!

Thanks everyone for all the birthday presents, phone calls, voicemails, texts and facebook messages! It was an awesome birthday thanks to ya'll
(I realized I hardly ever say ya'll anymore and I feel I need to bring it back to show my roots) :)


Unknown said...

Glad you had such a great time! We love the 'Oreo' cake, too! Enjoy your mat and rotary cutter. Great for making quilts. I love mine!

emilysuze said...

Looks like you had a great birthday! I wish we were closer to Disney parks so we could get in free on birthdays and because we're military. *sigh* I'm jealous. :)

Kasey Strong said...

That's great that you got so many fun gifts! And that your nice husband made you Oreo Cake. You look really pretty in those cake pictures, by the way. And yes, you totally get another one when you get back to Utah, don't worry. If you could hurry and finish up there in California, that'd be great too.

April said...

I am so glad you had a good birthday! your hair is getting so long! it's been forever since we've seen you!

Nick and Carol said...

oh ya, you're 23! i don't know why i always forget that you are a year older..i'll be 22 this year, not you! ha, so correction on that happy bday voicemail i left you!! love you though;)

Joe N' Jess said...

Oh! It looks like you had so much fun! I am glad you had at least Some pics, they were awesome! Happy late birthday! Wish we were there!