Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Our 4th of July.

It was kind of frustrating for the first part of our 4th. Chad's company wouldn't give Chad and the other techs the day off however the sales reps (most of them anyways) decided not to work at all or not to work long that day. What does that mean for us? We couldn't leave the house really until later in the afternoon just in case Chad would get called on a job which of course he didn't so we had to just hang out for awhile. We went to the pool for about an hour. Then we went back and we were going to grill out but someone was using the grill here at the complex so we ended up having our 4th of July hamburgers and hotdogs on the George Foreman grill. (Blah... I must admit at this point I wasn't a lot of fun to be around. I was kinda homesick for family. Chad's side was having a family reunion camping at Cedar Mountain and my family flew back to Florida for a visit so I was feeling sorry for myself and Chad that we weren't with them, rather than just enjoy what we could be doing together that could be fun. I got over it pretty quick but for a little while I wasn't much fun.) Then Chad suggested we go to Yogurtland, which I LOVE, so I started to perk up. We were going to go watch fireworks over at Huntington Beach but we heard that parking was horrible and by the time we could leave it was already around five so it would have been a mess. We decided instead to go watch the Disneyland fireworks over at Downtown Disney. We went to a mall first just to kill some time but the stores were closing as we got there so I got to look around and see that it is a nice mall that I would like to go back to sometime. Once we got to Downtown Disney we found out that there was a $15 parking fee but we then learned that if we ate at any of the restaurants they would validate our parking fee. So what did we do? We went and got $6 nachos to share and then got our $15 back! Woohoo! haha We watched the fireworks from the parking lot and they were really nice! Then we went and got a Redbox movie and went home to hang out, play games and watch a movie. It wasn't the most elaborate 4th of July but since I was able to spend it with my hubby it was wonderful! Last year Chad was on his alaska cruise for the 4th so this year we ended up having a blast for our first 4th of July together!


S said...

Haha, sounds like a normal day at my house! Where did you get your blog layout? I love it!!

Unknown said...

I can't tell 'whose' feet belongs to 'who'!!!!

Hidden at Home said...

I loooove my blog! So cute. Thomas is bugging me to find out HOW to do it, not just let you do it so we will have to discuss that next phone conversation. :)