Friday, June 5, 2009

Post Company Clean Up

After five days of having company in our one-bedroom apartment, they went home to sunny St. George, UT on Wednesday. Don't get me wrong, I loved having family here to keep me company and we had a BLAST on Chad's Birthday but even though they did a great job of helping tidy up before they left I still have a lot of cleaning to do. It doesn't help that I took yesterday as a little R&R day. Now I have laundry in, need to finish some dishes, clean the bathroom and vacuum and then fold and put laundry away once its done. Aw the joys of being a housewife for the summer (I really do love it). Good practice for when we have kids! Have fun and wish me luck (luck that I wont get distracted by fun things).


Kasey Strong said...

Hey, you're slackin a little. 2 days and no new post!? tsk, tsk. And I happen to know that you got a new haircut so you totally could post about that. Jk, I need to post a new one too.

Vause Family said...

Hey, Im glad you have a blog so we can keep in touch! Try cleaning the house with a 20 pound baby on your hip and a 3 year old running circles around you!!!!

Chad and Elizabeth said...

Oh i know! I'm so nervous about keeping up with everything once we have kids to add to the fun! Its hard enough now just the two of us. Thats why you (and all my other young mother friends) are one of my heroes! Glad to know once I have kids I have friends I can ask.