Tuesday, June 23, 2009

my NEW toy :)

So I have been asking for a sewing machine basically every single day for months now. Guess what... I finally got one :) SO EXCITING! Its been, well, a few years since I have sewn anything so I am relearning how to use the different stitches and everything so I haven't made anything worth showing yet but it is still fun. I'm planning on making myself a skirt this week and I am currently working on some headband things so we'll see. I'll show you my progress once I make something worth showing!!! LOVE IT!

P.S. Thanks to my lovely Mama who got it for me! She DEF didn't have to but I am sooo happy she did :)


emilysuze said...

I'm v. jealous. I've been dropping heavy hints to the hubby to get me one but it hasn't happened yet.


Have fun with the new machine!

Hidden at Home said...

I don't know how to sew. Like at all. I had a button pop off my dress pants about a year ago and I'm wearing them today with a paperclip holding them together b/c I don't know what else to do.

Pathetic, I know.

MISSSSSSS you! Have fun with your toy!

Kasey Strong said...

That's rad. Did she just get it for you for no good reason? Maybe she found a deal on it, either way, how nice!